Sunday, July 18, 2010

Scardy Cat?

Why is it that I lack in confidence? Why is it that before something even start doing something, I will chicken out and tend to think of quitting instead of gathering the strength and courage to keep on moving forward?

I don’t know how to answer any of that. It is like a mystery to me, trying to solve it myself. Of course, the problem lies within me. It is because of how I think and how I make things more complicated myself when those stuffs that are laid in front of me are so easy to be done.

No matter how many times I tell myself that I am not going to think negatively, sometimes, I just feel that I am deceiving myself which is a huge crime. Sometimes I manage to gather my thoughts and just forget about those pessimistic stuffs that I was thinking and focus on the good things. However, this could not last long.

I wonder how can I help myself…. to build up more courage…. to stop being a chicken… to stop being a pessimist?

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