Friday, June 18, 2010

This Will Last....

Blogs, I have created a few. Actually, too many for one hand to finish counting. Few of them, I hoped it would be permanent, but I did not kept that promise and created more. I would say, I have the same hope for this blog too and I will do my best to make it permanent.

Most of my blogs are really dark, mostly the narrow minded me talking there and sharing all the pessimist side of me and not a drop of the positive me. Yes, I am a very person who thinks negatively and is trying hard to change.

I failed to stay loyal to a number of my blogs, not because they are not me, it is just that they are too me. Whenever I read them over again, I just get bored of myself and certain times, I hated myself for acting the way I was, I get tired of myself for behaving that way and not be more positive. (There are also posts that I love them to bits.)

This blog will last, because I will make it last. As I believe time is able to change all things and that includes me. I will change to be a better person than I am yesterday.

I have a past which stories created the person I am today and the present me will create the person I am tomorrow. I hope for a brighter future, in term of me being more happy which means, less of a pessimist.

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