Saturday, June 26, 2010


Toy Story 1, showed Woody's life as a toy of Andy's, how they met Buzz LightYear and finally bring him back with them to Andy and became one of their family members. Toy Story 2 showed how Woody brought another new toy, a cowgirl and a horse to the new family as well and also how the toys went off and still get back to Andy at the end of the show.

As for Toy Story 3, it was somehow the same as what happened in Toy Story 1 and 2, whereby the toys were sent to a daycare mistakenly and how they find their way back to Andy with a touching ending of Andy sending his toys away to a little girl.

All Toy Story series showed how Woody helped people by bringing them back to a family of his own and finally get back to his own owner, Andy. No matter what happened, he believes in his owner and still get back to him. A loyal friend he is....

Before Toy Story 3 ends, Andy sent his toys to a little girl and before he gave the girl Woody, he said "Woody and I were together since I can remember. He never give up on you and will always be there for you."

This part, it just reminds me of this one person whom I have grown admired of. That was the person who went to watch the movie with me and was sitting next to me. (No, I did not turn to that person and hugged her or looked at her with watery eyes.)

She is smart like Woody, able to find her way in all kinds of situation, though there were times when she was lost and of course she asked for directions and help to go back to herself, but of course she can always find her way back without the help (just like Woody, she is capable of finding the way back to her world and amazingly she will never leave her friend behind but will bring them along the way). She is dependable, she believes in her friend, she takes care of the people around her, and there are just too many things for me to say about her.

There were so many times that I have been rude to her,
but she never left,
she stays and gives her all.

There were so many times that I have showed no mercy and loses my temper on her,
but she never left,
she stays and gives her all.

There were so many times that she was annoyed with me,
but she never left,
she stays and gives her all.

No matter what kind of a hard time I have given her,
she never left.
She stays and still gives her best.

In my Toy Story, she is like my Woody who has never left me and had been patient with me. A loyal friend she is.......... A sister to me she is.......... and a family she is........ To infinity and beyond, she will always be in my heart.......

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